Alumni Organization

San Alfonso High School
2622 Sabangan, Mountain Province 

Special Meeting of Alumni Members
  Third Year Room, SAHS Building
December 19, 2011, 6:00 PM-7:30PM


1.       Proserphina Pacyado
2.       Cedric Rommel Likigan
3.       Juliet Palicos
4.       Telesforo Gut-omen
5.       Rodolfo M. Pepe, JR.
6.       Joan Ramel
7.       Juliet Tiwaken
8.       Edna Licayo
9.       Winfred Felimon
10.   Leticia Obsid 

1.       Financial Concerns for the Upcoming Alumni Homecoming
2.       Medical Dental Check-up and Solicitation Letter
3.       Souvenir Book
4.       Others 

1.       Financial Concerns for the Upcoming Alumni Homecoming
              a.       Financial Records available (Passbooks in different banks)
                                                               i.      SAHS Alumni c/o wwf                    3, 910.00
                                                             ii.      SAHS Alumni c/o E. Dalog             11, 579.91
                                                            iii.      SAHS Golden Jubilee                      278, 578.28
                                                           iv.      Total                                                      294, 068.19
             b.      If these are the existing available accounts that the alumni have, it must be formally turned-over by the previous concerned individuals to the present officers for the ironing of the organization’s financial statement. This is for the purpose of improving the financial records of the Alumni.
             c.       Mrs. Pacyado volunteers to ask other previous officers for other helpful information regarding the financial course of the organization.
            d.      It is necessary that the records will be set straight for clarity; to be able to answer future inquiries from other members.
            e.      The Alumni Membership Fee
                                                               i.      When the alumni organization was formed, an alumni member fee is to be collected by the school for the Alumni Fund.
                                                             ii.      However, this may have not been observed or may have been not followed. According to Mr. Pepe, during the late 90s, after he had submitted some some to Mrs. Dalog, they stopped collecting the Fee.
                                                            iii.      According to Mrs. Ramel, as far as she can remember when she came to the school, there was no Alumni Fee but instead Graduate’s Contribution for Batch Project. And so she remembers curtains, components and TLE utensils brought by previous fourth year advisers.
                                                           iv.      In 2004-2005 under Mr. Tabec- DVD player, in 2006 the contributions were used to make toga for graduation. However, in 2007 and 2008, Mr. Felimon did not collect the 100.00 from each graduate because he utilized the collected class fines for purchasing simple batch projects.
                                                             v.      The 100.00 alumni membership fee was again collected in 2009. This time, it is understood as Alumni Membership Fee, to be considered under the account of the organization. The 2009 collection was submitted to Mrs. Astudillo, the 2010 to Mr. Pepe and the 2011 is the 3,910 currently deposited in St. Peter’s c/o Mr. Felimon.
                                                           vi.      According to Mrs. Palicos, this information is important so that atleast we can know who and from which batch should somebody pay the Membership Alumni Fee.
                                                          vii.      Note: The money deposited in SAHS Golden Jubilee Account is the joint collection for the Ticket (c/o Alumni) and the Souvenir Book (c/o PTCA).

2.       Medical Dental Check-up
a.       Since we have the possible proceeds from the souvenir book that is being eyed at for the project to buy more computer units for the school, should we not instead emphasize in the letter that the solicitation is to augment the fund for the medical-dental mission and the feeding program on March 18?
                                                               i.      For the medical-dental mission, the volunteers headed by Dr. Dominguez guaranteed that medicines will be available to be given by other donors. So, we can therefore state the immediate need of the school (computers) as our primary concern for the solicitation.

3.       Souvenir Book
a.       According to Mr. Rodolfo Pepe, there are still some subscriptions that are expected to be submitted as informed or promised by other PTA members. Therefore he is asking for more allowance so that at least these subscriptions will be collected and God willing, can be finally printed within next year’s early months.

4.       Others
a.       Reminder: Alumni Meeting in Preparation for the Homecoming is every first Sunday of the month.


 Minutes taken by:




San Alfonso High School
2622 Sabangan, Mountain Province 

Special Meeting of Alumni Members
Fourth Year Room, SAHS Building
November 13, 2011, 9:20 AM 

                1) Theodore M. Velasco
                2) Virginia Sally
                3) NarcisaSito
                4) Erlinda N. Gadian
                5) Derby Bangilan
                6) Juliet Palicos
                7) Anthon A. Las-egan
                Winfred W. Felimon
                9) Engracia P. Chugsayan
                10) Fructosa D. Mamanteo
                11) Elizabeth T. Billao
                12) Pearl B. Gonzaga
                13) Hazine Joyce Comising
                14) Purple Gonzaga
                15) ProserphinaPacyado – Presiding Officer
                16) Gloria Bagayas 

                A) Committee Planning
                B) Registration
                C) Project
                D) Others 

A)     Committee Planning (Outputs) 

1) Documentation Committee and Historical Research Committee
                Chair: Winfred W. Felimon; Members: Chevy Sally, Mario BillaoJr, William Rancudo, Julius Fiao-ag, Alma Roux 


Persons Responsible

Expected Output

1) Minutes of Meetings

WWF and Committee Chairmen

Compilation of Minutes of Meetings of all meetings (general and committees) printed in short bond paper plus soft copies.

2) Pictures

Chevy Arvie Sally, Mario Billao Jr., Joyce Comising, Purple and Pearl Gonzaga

Pictures of all activities: preparations, arrival, medical mission, alumni participations, parade, social program. Selected pictures to be printed with captions.

3) List of Donors/ Solicitations

William Rancudo and Solicitation Committee

Complete list of donors and solicitation updates.

4) Attendance/ Registration

Julius Fiao-ag and William Rancudo

Names of attendees, participants and guests.

5) Activity Report/ Summary

Lourdes Buslotan

Narrative description of the event.

 Budgetary Requirement: Digital Camera (to be borrowed), Memory Cards, and Bond Papers. 

2) Solicitation Committee
                Chair:  FructosaMamanteo; Members: Juliet Palicos, Augusta Macalling, SerapioLami-ing, Clarita Lacwasan, Chevy Sally, Jackie Dominguez, ElvieLangagan 


Time Frame

Persons Responsible

Budgetary Requirements

Expected Output

1) Drafting of Solicitation

Nov. 13-14, 2011



Draft was edited and encoded.

2) Reproduction/ Printing of Solicitation

Nov. 13-20, 2011

SAHS Faculty Members

5, 000

Solicitation papers were printed.

3) Distribution of Solicitation Letters

Nov. 20 – Dec. 20, 2011

Solicitation Committee


Solicitation letters are distributed.

4) Retrieval

Nov. 20-Dec. 31, 2011

Solicitation Committee


Letters are retrieved.

5) Accounting


Solicitation Committee


Letters are accounted.

6) Follow up unretrieved letters


Solicitation Committee


All letters are retrieved and submitted.

7) Progress Report


Committee Chairperson


Progress reported.

8) Submission of Solicited Amount


Solicitation Committee


Amount submitted to the finance committee.

 3) Food and Beverages Committee
                Chair: Rose Sagenes; Members: ErlindaGadian, CrisantaLiclic, Aida Domong-as, Clarita Degay, Rose Ayodoc, VioletaFiao-ag, FructosaMamanteo, Gloria Bagayas 


Budgetary Requirement

Time Frame

Expected Output

1) Feeding Program
-          15 kgsmalagkit
-          15 kgs rice
-          15 kgs quarter legs chicken
-          Spices
-          Plastic cups and spoons
-          10 kgs Lemon Tea


 -          1,025.00
-          525.00
-          3,750.00
-          500.00
-          2,500.00
-          350.00
-          8,650.00 (total) 



2) Lunch
-          1 pig @ 110 kgs
-          Ingredients
-          50 kgspotatos @ 30/kg
-          30 kgs beans @ 35/kg
-          Rice

-          10,050.00
-          1,000.00
-          1,500.00
-          1,750.00
-          1,500.00
-          15,750.00 (total)



3) PM Snacks
-          15kgs ganta @ 150/kg
-          15kgs sugar @ 35/kg
-          10 kgs lard @ 90/kg
-          Tudok 20 sticks @ 10.00
-          Tea (Roselle)
-          Sugar


-          2,250.00
-          525.00
-          900.00
-          200.00

 -          400.00
-          350.00
-          29,065.00



4) Dinner
DINUGUAN/ Igado/ Fried Chicken/ Crispy Pata
-          Ingredients
-          Fried Chicken (1 box)
-          Vegetble, Laing &Gata
-          1 Case softdrinks 1.5 liter
-          Rice


-          1,000.00
-          1,875.00
-          500.00
-          540.00
-          750.00
-          4,665.00



5) Dinner (3-17-11) Working Committee
-          5kgs meat, vegetable and drinks


-          2,000.00



6) Flowing Coffee
-          1kg @ 200.00
-          sugar @ 200.00


-          400.00



7) Dishwashing Paste @ 200.00

-          200.00




Overall Total Budgetary Requirement: 36, 325.00 plus 10% contingency fund: 3,623.00 equals 39, 948.00 

B)      Registration
1)      To ensure effective information campaign, pre-registration will be done per purok by the purok coordinators with a registration fee of 20.00.
2)      Donation box can be displayed during the registration for attendance on March 18, 2012.

C)      Solicitation (of Funds)
1)      In the solicitation, include that the solicitation is also for the fund raising for computer units.
2)      Emphasize the current problem of the computer class, the big number of students sharing 5 units of computers only.
3)      The alumni projects of 10 units in 2005 are not already functional.  

D)     Other Issues and Concerns
1)      Alumni Fund
-     There is a yearly collection of alumni fee from students, this can be audited for additional fund for the computer projects.
-    The present officers should try their best to gather all separate accounts of the alumni organization to be properly filed and audited.
-    Ma’am Pacyado will contact the principal for the alumni fee collections.

2)      Solicitation issues
-    Why are some alumni not warm in supporting alumni solicitations for the school.
               i.            There is lack of display of academic achievements of the students (compared to other private schools).

               ii.            If the school is an academic institution, are they supposed to join and show teeth in academic competitions? What are the achievements of the school in this academic institution? There must be effort to also inform the community and the alumni of these achievements to push their interests to donate something to the school.

               iii.            The faculty will try to consolidate the list of extra – curricular participations and achievements of the students to be shared to reunion participants. (MTAP, Science Fairs, Sports, etc)

               iv.            Some students look for more challenges in the school but since the school does not provide other activities aside from classroom daily routines, high school life seems to be dumb and boring and less challenging.

                v.            The alumni and concerned parents are invited to open these up with the faculty especially after the general PTA assembly on November 20, 2011.

Meeting Ended: 12:30 NN 

 Prepared by:




San Alfonso High School
2622 Sabangan, Mountain Province

Special Meeting of Alumni Members
Fourth Year Room, SAHS Building
October 2, 2011, 9:30AM-12:06NN 


Please be informed that The Alumni Homecoming’s Final Date is March 18, 2011 (Sunday) 

                1. Purok/Sitio Reports
                2. Updates (Based on Decisions in the last meeting)
                3. Alumni Homecoming Planning
                4. Others 

                1. Theodore M. Velasco
                2. Maria Concepcion Dampag Da-o
                3. Mildred Moguet Mangal-ip
                4. Rose M. Sagenes
                5. Rosita Ayodoc
                6. Virginia A. Sally
                7. Ma. Theresa B. Awao
                8. Clarita L. Lacwasan
                9. Espirita Gasmena
                10. Kurt Teng-eg
                11. Engracia P. Chugsayan
                12. Derby Bangilan
                13. Clarita Degay
                14. Winfred W. Felimon
                15. Erlinda N. Gadian
                16. Fructosa Mamanteo
                17. Elizabeth T. Billao
                18. Francisco Wigwigan
                19. Augusta Macalling
                20. Proserphina P. Pacyado
                21. Violeta Fiao-ag
                22. Dorna Macario
                23. Nora Calag
                24. Precentacion Calag
                25. Novalyn Calag
                26. Joan Ramel
                27. Zaida Chel P. Danag
                28. Cedric Rommel V. Likigan
                29. Marilyn P. Siw-ang
                *Presiders: Theodore Velasco & Proserphina Pacyado 

A. Reading of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
                                a. The Alumni should join the Procession for St. Joseph in March 19
                                b. We can also join and participate in the MPC program after the mass
                2. Minutes of Meeting was adopted by all present 

B. Agenda
                1. Purok/ Sitio Reports
                                a. Lagan
                                                (1) They planned to visit the alumni in their barangay but unable to do so because of the typhoon Quiel. However, text messaging was used to relay information and disseminate the planned alumni homecoming.
                                b. Sao and Liwang-Osong
                                                (1) The alumni in their group, after being informed and asked to join the meetings, they trusted their coordinator to be their informant regarding updates relevant to the activity. “Ingka ladta maki-meeting hakapay ibaga.” (“,)
                                c. Other Purok Representatives are not present
                2. Updates
                                a. Financial Status
                                                (1) Mrs. Norma B. is not present to give report about the assignment given to her (coordinate with previous concerned officers about the financial records).
                                                (2) It is relevant that the financial account of the organization be fixed for clarity of records.
                                b. Souvenir Book
                                                (1) It was promised and guaranteed by Mr. Pepe that the Book will be printed and out for distribution to subscribers on or before the end of year 2011.
                3. Alumni Homecoming Concerns
                                a. Updated/ Improved List of Committee Members
                                                (1) Program Committee
                                                                @ Theodore Velasco, Elizabeth Billao, Kurt Teng-eg, Clarita Lacwasan
                                                (2) Solicitation Committee
                                                                @ Fructosa Mamanteo, Juliet Palicos, Augusta Macalling, Serapio Lami-ing, Clarita Lacwasan, Chevy Sally, Jackie Dominguez, Elvie Langagan
                                                (3) Finance Committee
                                                                @ Cedric Rommel Likigan, Derby Bangilan, Engracia Chugsayan, Proserphina Pacyado, Purita Bondad
                                                (4) Venue Preparation
                                                                @ Rodolfo M. Pepe, SAHS Faculty and Students, Melody Bongloy, Susana Obonan, Judy Bolinget, Marilyn Siw-ang, Felix Gasmena, Arnold Sally
                                                (5) Prize and Awards Committee (?)
                                                                @ Purong Gut-omen, Norma Budod
                                                (6) Documentation and Historical Research Committee
                                                                @ Winfred W. Felimon, Lourdes Buslotan, Chevy Sally, Julius Fiao-ag, William Rancudo, Mario Billao Jr., Alma Roux
                                                (7) Accommodation Committee
                                                                @ Joan O. Ramel, Leticia C. Obsid, Consolata Amos, Marcelita P. Moises, Fr. Sammy Maximo, Dorna Macario
                                                (8) Food and Beverages
                                                                @ Rose Sagenes, Erlinda Gadian, Crisanta Liclic, Aida Domong-as, Clarita Degay, Rose Ayodoc, Violeta Fiao-ag, Fructosa Mamanteo
                                                (9) Peace and Order Committee
                                                                @ Eddie Palicos, Alfredo Bumidang, Allen Tacut, Willy Wangdali, Annalyn Palking, Rachelle Palicos
                                b. Medical-Dental Mission
                                                Chairman: Zaida Chel P. Danag
                                                Vice Chairman: Elizabeth T. Billao
                                                Members: 1. Rural Health Unit Staff
                                                                     2. Volunteer Alumni (Medical Practitioners)
                                                (1) Target Group (Focus of the Medical Mission)
                                                                (a) The medical mission will exclusively be for the senior citizens
                                                                (b) The dental mission which includes check-up and extraction only is open for everybody
                                                (2) Pre-enlistment of patients is suggested
                                                (3) Film showing (of health related information) will be done during the mission
                                                (4) “Milk for the Senior Citizens”  & “Arrozcaldo for Children”

                                                *All alumni is being asked to search for donors (especially for medicines for common illnesses) and volunteers (medical practitioners)  

                                c. Symbolic Planting
                                                (1) What tree? An Indian Tree (same with the tree in front of the Multipurpose Hall in Bontoc)
                                                (2) Where to plant? In front of the Convent.
                                                (3) After the St. Joseph Feast Mass on March 19, 2012
                                d. The parade of alumni will be on March 19, 2012; joining the procession for the Feast of St. Joseph the Husband of Mary.
                                e. The Program Proper/ Socials will be done in the evening of March 18, 2012 (Sunday) because the day might be fully occupied by the medical-dental mission.
                                f. Additional Coordinators
                                                (1) Marina Budod (Macau)
                                                (2) Lilia Tacut (Australia)
                                                (3) Maura Espirita Cam-ed Gasmena (HongKong)
                                                (4) Mary Gut-omen (Spain)
                                                (5) Cathy T. Chapiyen (London UK)
                                                (6) Satur Sonson (Canada)
                                                (7) RyAnn Teng-eg (USA)
                                                (8) Jenny Marcos (China)
                                                (9) Tessie Zarate (Thailand)
                                                (10) Florence Tuazon (Israel)
                                                (11) Allain Roux (Saudi KSA)
                                                (12) Winalyn Litilit (Dubai, UAE)
                                                (13) Nena Palicos (New Zealand)
                                                (14) Filomena Sonson (Singapore)
                                                (15) Daisy Gumayen (Italy)
                                                (16) Livah Gumayen & Carlito H. Basngi (Japan)
                                                (17) Julio Cosape (Korea)
                4. Others
                                a. The Event (Alumni Homecoming) will be published in local papers if possible, maybe Baguio Midland or Mt. Province Exponent. Tarpaulins can also be posted.
                                b. Constitution and By-Laws
                                                - Theodore M. Velasco will ask from Rosito Cam-ed of SVS Bontoc  a copy of their Alumni CBL to be used as guide in coming up with our own CBL.
                                c. Operational Expenses
                                                - Problem: Where to get money for the operating expenses? For the meantime, solicitation is to be done (the meal and snacks in this meeting and the previous are voluntarily shouldered by an officer).
                                                - All solicitation activities should be informed to the solicitation committee for acknowledgment and record purposes. For any donation, please contact any of the officers. (09293276961-Rej Likigan-Treasurer)
                                d. Meetings
                                                - Regular Meetings for the Homecoming is every first Sunday of the month
                                                - Next meeting will be on November 6, 2011, venue will be announced at the church 

                ***All Committees are asked to start working, i.e. Conduct independent meetings and plannings)***

Taken by:




San Alfonso High School
2622 Sabangan, Mountain Province 

Special Meeting of Alumni Members
Third Year Room, SAHS Building
September 4, 2011, 11:00 AM 

1) Grand Alumni Homecoming
2) Others 


1. Rodolfo M. Pepe, Jr.                  Principal                               09193558840
2. Winfred W. Felimon                   Faculty
3. Fructosa Mamanteo                   1971-1972                            09287537356
4. Consolata Amos                        1980-1981                            09193548353
5. Narcisa Sito                              1975-1976                             09302782221
6. Teresita Siw-ang                         
7. Crisanta M. Liclic                        1990-1991                            09187685138
8. Aida Domong-as                         1983-1984
9. Melody A. Bongloy                     1992-1993                            09078498683
10. Susana J. Obonan                     1987-1988                            09105824032
11. Judy Bolinget                             1999-2000                            09124832870
12. Marilyn Siw-ang                        1989-1990
13. Lourdes Buslotan                      1982-1983
14. Analyn Palking                          1989-1990                            09106326751
15. Rachelle Palicos                         1989-1990                            09995144586
16. Caridad B. Saley                       1984-1985                            09308302438
17. Derby Bangilan                          1997-1998                            09302898544
18. Norma Budod                           1975-1976                            09215459217
19. Erlinda N. Gadian                     1973-1974                            09394534819
20. Juliet Palicos                             1974-1975                            09185597854
21. Rosario M. Sagenes                 1984-1985                            09197522033
22. Theodore M. Velasco              1987-1988 (*Theodore not Theodoro - has been corrected for the 9th time... sorry po (",))                      
23. Joan O. Ramel                           
24. Serapio Lami-ing                      1974-1975                            09203651806
25. Telesforo Gut-omen                   1st Batch                               09219762499
26. Edna G. Licayo                         1971-1972
27. Cedric Rommel Likigan              1989-1990                            09293276961
28. Jose Sagpa-ey
29. Juliet Tiwaken                            Faculty
30. Chester Villanueva                     Faculty
31. Proserphina Pacyado – Presiding Officer 


A. The members of the Interim Group and Barangay Coordinators were read
B. When will the Grand Alumni Homecoming be?
                * Mrs. Palicos: There should be Purok Coordinators for the easy relay of information/communications
                * Barangay coordinators to initiate the organization of Purok Alumni Association
                1) Sugestions (Date of Homecoming)
                                a) 2013 Gagayam Fiesta
                                b) 2013 December holidays
                                c) 2012 Gagayam Fiesta
                                d) 2012 December holidays
                2) Agreement- to be held on March 19, 2012 (Since in that day, although it has always been allotted for St. Joseph Feast Day activities, programs are being ended early because of short activities. The alumni homecoming can be started at 10:30 AM onwards)
                3) Possible Activities
                                a) Medical-Dental Mission
                                b) Parlor and Sport Games
                                c) Parade
                                d) Program
                                e) Lunch
                                f) Meeting (Election of Federal Officers)
                                g) Tree Planting (Symbolic)
                                h) Socials

                * Mr. Gut-omen suggested that while they are gathered at present; why not elect set of officers to work for the Alumni Homecoming preparations. However, while the nomination is in progress, Mr. Velasco appealed that the Interim Government should be the one to work  for them to practise the mandate given to them. After more deliberations therefore, the election of new set of officers will be during the alumni homecoming and the Interim Group will be in charged for its preparation and realization.

                * The Interim Group are the following:
                Chair: Mrs. Pacyado                        Vice Chair: Mrs. Licayo                  

                Coordinators: Lagan: DUDZ; Tambingan: REJ; G/L: GERMY; Todey: NORMA B.; Dogo/Lalagim: TINA; Nacagang: JUP; Supang-Maggon: SERAPIO; Bauko: RODOLFP PEPE; Sao: MARIA DA-O; Liwang/Osong: ROSE S.; Data: BEBE BATI-ENG; Area 3: DELIA LADYONG; Area 4: ROSALINO DOLIPAS; Gonogon/Alab: PORO M.

                Changes: Merge Tambingan and Nacagang – c/o REJ
                                  Data: NGALI CHIYAWAN

                *The Interim will elect among themselves a secretary and treasurer. (Mrs. Palicos: A treasurer should be elected so that the previous officers especially the treasurer can turn over the Alumni Financial Reports/Responsibilities.
                * Secretary: MRS. JOAN O. RAMEL           Treasurer: MR. REJ V. LIKIGAN

                4) About the souvenir book (Mr. Pepe)
                                a) More envelopes are needed to be collected and accounted
                                b) Can’t finalize the printing yet
                                c) The planned alumni homecoming can be included in the souvenir book (suggestion)
                                d) The president has prepared a partial financial report (incomplete because of the collectibles)
                                e) Mr. Rej: What definite answer can we give to co-alumni (subscribers) regarding WHEN can the book be printed and released? Mr. Pepe: By the end of this calendar year
                5) Working Committees
                                a) Program and Invitation
                                                - Dudz
                                b) Solicitation
                                                -Jet Palicos, A. Macalling, Fructosa, Serapio
                                c) Finance
                                                - Rej, Derby
                                d) Venue Preparation
                                                - Melody, Susan, Judy, Marlyn, Ms. Tiwaken, Chester V.
                                e) Awards
                                                - Mr. P Gut-omen, Norma Budod
                                f) Documentation
                                                - Ms. Lourdes, WWF
                                g) Accommodation
                                                - Consolata Amos, Joan, Leticia
                                h) Food and Beverages
                                                - Rose, Erlinda, Narcis, Mrs. Liclic, Ms. Domong-as, Citas, Mrs. Saley
                                i) Peace and Order
                                                - Annalyn, Rachelle, Mr. Pepe
                                * The underligned names are the Committee chairpersons
                                * The committee is open for membership (names listed here are volunteers – are only initial committee members)
                6) Meetings: Every first Sunday of the month starting October (Next Meeting: October 2, 2011)
                7) List of Alumni Purok Associations should be submitted next meeting (Coordinators should start asking purok members to organize an association)

Prepared by: 




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